At FRESH Medicine, we truly believe and practice an integrated approach to disease prevention and treatment and seek to uncover the root causes of chronic disease symptoms, discomfort, and fatigue. In addition to conventional lab tests, mostly blood analysis, Dr. Graham utilizes a few carefully chosen specialty lab tests to identify areas of imbalance in order to create customized medical and nutritional treatment plans that focuses especially on the role of your gut health—particularly, your microbiome.

We have relationships with lab companies, phlebotomists will travel to your home, office, or hotel to conduct a blood draw and urinalysis. Our team will coordinate with your nearest Quest or Lab Corp Patient Service Center to ensure convenience. Our customized FRESH Medicine blood draw is comprised of advanced panels that include hormones, lipids, metabolism, inflammation, and immune markers.

Examples of Extensive and Tailored Testing


    For patients struggling with gastrointestinal symptoms, comprehensive stool testing can provide insight on digestion, inflammation, and microbial metabolic activity. The entire microbiome is assessed to determine therapeutic next steps, including: diet, elimination, modifications and specific probiotic supplementation. Dr. Graham has over 15 years of experience using the Genova Comprehensive Stool Test to evaluate the biological need for digestive enzymes, inflammatory markers, and microbiome evaluation—including bacteria, virus, yeast, like candida, and parasites.


    Food allergies and sensitivities can lead to symptoms including gastrointestinal issues, joint pain, eczema, migraines, and can also impact mood and behavior. The preferred way to test for true food allergies is through IgE antibody testing which are measured and scored to allow for a targeted dietary intervention. We use Mediator release Testing (MRT) testing. IgG testing is also included but will be evaluated carefully by our registered dietitian before this information is put into practice. That is because IgG testing can show reactions to foods you do not eat and has a higher rate of false-positive results.


    Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth is an under recognized cause of IBS, abdominal bloating, chronic diarrhea, chronic constipation, reflux, indigestion and many other symptoms. We offer a comprehensive and effective approach to SIBO, which includes diagnosis via breath testing using Genova Diagnostics and a combination of dietary changes and herbal and/or conventional antibiotics for treatment.


    Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death for men and women in the United States, and many of the risk factors are associated with lifestyle choices. Routine cholesterol testing only shows us part of the picture. More comprehensive cardio-metabolic testing such as the Boston Heart and Cardio IQ test provides insight into glucose control, cholesterol profile and particle size, and vascular inflammation. This information allows us to better understand disease risk and progression at the most detailed level in order to provide targeted lifestyle interventions.