Introducing the FRESH Med Newsletter

Happy FRESH New Year! So, let us guess your 2017 New Year’s Resolutions: You’re going to finally lose that holiday weight…from ten years ago; you promise to learn how to effin’ relax already; you’ll wipe the dust off your “dreadmill” right after you pluck your thanksgiving pants off of it; you’re going to finally get the sleep you haven’t had—since the birth of your first child; you are going to stop doing that same old thing that is making you so unhappy--and finally be happy, Damnit!

Lucky for us at FRESH Med—we’ve got you covered! We are here to help you starting with food, chillin’ through relaxation, moving you through exercise…until you’re sleeping your way to happiness. Yes, it’s the last time you’ll have to make a FRESH start. 

To help you with these goals we would like to introduce the FRESH Med Newsletter.

Our newsletter is available to our subscribers and will be covering topics to help you achieve your health goals and thrive in the new year.

We have the FRESH tools for you so you can be your happiest, healthiest self. Yes, now is the perfect time to “Get with the Pro-Graham!”


The January 2017 issue is all about food! The number one resolution every year is to lose weight. To make it easier, we have listed Dr. Rob’s 21 FRESH Food Rx, recipes and nutrition facts.

These tips offer simple, sustainable and healthy solutions regarding how, what and why we eat and cook.

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